# Messages

Messages are the most convenient way for Users to reach out and discuss.

Simply create a message as follows, optionally referencing an Asset:

await stelace.messages.create({
  topicId: 'ast_2l7fQps1I3a1gJYz2I3a', // Asset id
  content: 'Hi, how are you?',
  senderId: 'usr_xC3ZlGs1Jo71gb2G0Jo7',
  receiverId: 'usr_WHlfQps1I3a1gJYz2I3a'

When omitted, senderId is automatically set to authenticated User id.

When the receiver gets the message, it can be marked as read:

await stelace.messages.update('msg_Vuz9KRs10NK1gAHrp0NK', {
  read: true

# Conversation

Stelace introduces the concept of conversation to group messages belonging to the same discussion.

A conversationId is automatically assigned to a message when it isn’t provided, so you can reuse it to group a new message with previous ones.

await stelace.messages.create({
  topicId: 'ast_2l7fQps1I3a1gJYz2I3a', // Asset id
  content: 'Fine, and you?',
  senderId: 'usr_WHlfQps1I3a1gJYz2I3a',
  receiverId: 'usr_xC3ZlGs1Jo71gb2G0Jo7',
  conversationId: 'conv_4FqUqs1zln1h9gZhzln' // Conversation id from the previous message

# List messages

You can get messages sent by or to a specific user with:

await stelace.messages.list({
  receiverId: 'usr_WHlfQps1I3a1gJYz2I3a'
curl -G https://api.stelace.com/messages \
  -u seck_test_rylx3ebUg0bNs1HkJKlqNHkI: \
  -d senderId="usr_xC3ZlGs1Jo71gb2G0Jo7"

Retrieving all messages belonging to the same conversation is as simple as:

await stelace.messages.list({
  conversationId: 'conv_4FqUqs1zln1h9gZhzln'